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Thai Dishes Shooting

Another lucky day met with super nice client ultra well prepared and cooperative. I picked the laminated table as background rather than the white table cloth to match…

Great Client

Today did a shooting for a new restaurant with own brewery. Once in a while got lucky to meet this kind of client who cooperates with photographer at…

Hackpen Hill Sunset

I actually took tons of shots then picked this one to have the sun about to go but not yet. Life to me is always like that, that…

Ideal chorizo

Meet this donut shape chorizo created under Blender 3.0 stable (learning). Two lights. Wonder if future product photography can be virtual.

Broad Town White Horse

How come these things last hundreds of years? Magic. Suddenly feel my time is tiny compared with theirs.

Hackpen Hill Two Hours

Stayed there for less than two hours and you know what, the colours at the same spot are quite a change. Mother nature isn’t it? I think I…

Figuring out life

There are times when I really need some soothing from mother nature Life is just a glimpse of what looks like an eternity of sunset and sunrise. What…

Bistro shooting

Surprisingly family feel kind of cooking. No oil at all. Very healthy. Thanks to the ladies who run the shop.

#9846c new year gift

A gift for friends. A memory perhaps.

#0088v1v1 print

Meant to be a new year gift